He holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's degree in business administration, and a juris doctorate.

He has over thirty-five years' experience as an attorney, licensed real estate broker, founder and CEO of several private ventures and as a corporate educator.

Louie V. Larimer - President/CEO    

Louie V. Larimer is the Founder of Focused Strategies, Inc.

Mr. Larimer has taught graduate level courses in law, ethics, leadership, negotiations, and conflict

resolution for Regis University's School for Professional Studies, and The University of Phoenix.

He is the Program Director for the Hawaii Emerging Leaders Program, Pacific Academy, Honolulu, Hawaii sponsored by the Hawaii Federal Executive Board and the United States Office of Personnel Management.

He teaches ethics in the following nationally acclaimed leadership programs: Director's Leadership Program for the National Security Agency; The United States Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds Leadership Program; The Rocky Mountain Leadership Program; The Denver Community Foundation Leadership Program; The Luke Center Pacific Leadership Program; and The Chinook Leadership Program.

He is the creator and author of the following publications: The Ethical Type Indicator: A Personal Assessment Instrument; Ethical Virtuosity: Seven Steps to Help You Discover and Do The Right Thing at The RightTime; The Psychology of Ethics: What It Takes To Do The Right Thing At The Right Time; The Psychology of Personal Transformation and Change; The Life Assessment Inventory: The Life Planning Guide; 7 Strategies for Building a Successful Business; The Management Audit Matrix; The Litigation Prevention Inventory; The Integrated Leadership Training Program; Becoming a 5 Star Executive: Principles, Assessment and Planning Guide; Principles and Practices of Conflict Resolution and Negotiations; How to Create Extraordinary Customer Service and Long Term Client Loyalty; and Don't Poke the Gorilla in the Eye!

His articles have appeared in several national trade journals such as Association Magazine, Workforce Magazine, and HR Focus. He is a contributing author to Professional Practices in Association Management, published by the American Society of Association Executives.

He provides consultation to business, government and non-profit executives in the areas of leadership, strategy development, planning and execution, performance management, board governance, organizational ethics and compliance.

Originally from the island of Oahu, Hawaii, he now resides in Colorado Springs, Colorado with his family.

He is an avid reader, writer, and ukulele musician.

Visit -LouieLarimer.com